Let it first be known that I am not fugly. I don't have halitosis. I've had odes written to my ass and a boyfriend at my side since I was 15. At Tufts, however, I suffer from Ugly Duckling syndrome*. I don’t date, kiss, much less have sex with anyone. It’s a sad and lonely lifestyle but I have learned that men here don’t seem to be buying my particular flavor of kool aid.
There was a time in my life when I thought it was me, that I was some strange aberration of a female because guys either didn’t follow through with me or they didn’t want to stick around. But, after watching all of my friends come home night after night after night after night with tears in their eyes and their self-esteem ripped to shreds, I realized that it’s not me – it’s Tufts. More specifically, it’s the men and women who make up Tufts hookup culture.
The inspiration for this blog came from my friends and friends of friends. I would often be the one picking up the pieces of my roommate's broken heart after she was made to feel like trash by her crush. I am frequently the one consoling my friends when they talk about their love lives here and how horrible they have been treated. Their stories are similar and I wonder how a group of individuals can just let the same things happen to themselves over and over without doing something about it. Men may be the perpetrators of bad actions but women are just as culpable for their situation because of their passivity.
While these stories are not all mine, they all are true. I will never publish a story on this site that is embellished or false. I remain anonymous to protect the identities of the contributors to my blog and so that I can continue to interact with Tufts dating/hookup culture in a genuine way. So, if you are a lady (or gentleman) who is fed up with the Tufts dating scene (or lack there of), I’m here to tell you, you are not alone.
- DeeDee
*For explination of Ugly Duckling syndrome see Lingo page.
*For explination of Ugly Duckling syndrome see Lingo page.